Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Robot parts (4) Sound Sensor

Sound Sensor
Microphone is a transducer that turns voice signals into a signal - electrical signals according to the received voice pattern. Electronic system will respond to the signal - voice signals using these components for recorded or recognized

Voice Extreme Module
Voice recognition is not that easy to do, but with the Voice Extreme Module Sensory output then this process can be done with easy. In addition to Voice Extreme Module can work record, recognize and noise, users can also write the C programming language with standard ISO / ANSI-C into it.
This allows Voice Extreme Module customize programmed either to respond to the received voice with another voice or by activating Particular LED. Or vice versa Voice Extreme Module will detect the emphasis certain key to generate a voice that has been recorded previously.
At Extreme Voice Software is a file that has functions
particular are:
-. Ves files: Speech Synthesis files are also a vocabulary tables
-. VEO files: Speech Sentences files or files that store the examples votes
-. VEW files: Used to identify the sound and produce sound different, for example in recognizing the command given to the robot and responded with answers
-. Vem files: Used for music applications

This module also has an IDE (Integrated Development Environtment) is a complex software from a text editor, compiler and downloader for C programming language that allows users to with easy to design and put into the program this module.

Figure 11 Sensory Voice Extreme IDE

The steps to be done to incorporate the program into modules is as follows
- Design the program, for example applications that produce sound "hello world"
Extern Vphelloworld speech;
Main ()
Talk (0, & Vphelloworld);
- Store in a hello.vec
- Create a new Project by going to Project menu and select New
- Insert hello.vec by doing "Add Document"
- Insert hello.ves by doing "Add Speech"
- Store in a hello.vep, got here the program design process
already completed and ready to try
- Compile the program by selecting "Build" on the Menu Project
- File hello.veb be formed and ready to be filled into the system
- Select "Download" on the Project menu and hello.veb files will go into the
Voice Extreme Module
- Module will directly execute the program and let the voice
"Hello World"

Figure 15 Voice Extreme Module Development

In the picture looks 15 Voice Extreme module is already connected to the module
Development. Development of this module is a module used aid
at the time of designing the program. This module also comes with a Prototyping
Areas that can be used to assemble simple circuits are flexible in

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